Quickly Provision a Phone in Teams Admin

Quickly Provision a Phone in Teams Admin

Quickly Provision a Phone in Teams Admin

If you license users for Teams Phone Standard you will need to Quickly Provision a Phone in Teams Admin. It also happens if you unlicensed a user for Teams and then reconsidered. It drops the phone number, and it will have to be re-provisioned

Follow the Steps below and you will have the users phone number back in no time!

Open PowerShell

Star PowerShell from Windows. You can either choose Windows PowerShell or Windows PowerShell ISE. I prefer ISE since I can cut and paste code and run it from the console a lot easier:

Provision a Phone in Teams Admin

Install and Connect to the Teams Module

When the box is loaded. Install the module:

Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams

Then Connect:


You may want to put this into a nifty PowerShell script that automates the process if you feel you are going to be provisioning or de-provisioning phones quite often.

User Numbers when you Provision a Phone in Teams

Here I will show you not only how to add a user telephone number but also remove a telephone user number. Of course, removing a user number is important when they either change numbers or do not need the number anymore (i.e. – leave the organization).

Add User Number

Here is the example of setting the telephone number, assigning a default policy and enambling voicemail.

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity userid@<tenant.domain> -PhoneNumber '+1XXXXXXX' -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting

Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity userid @<tenant.domain>  -PolicyName "Policy Given to You by your Telco Provider" – or one you or your admin created

Set-CsOnlineVoiceMailUserSettings -Identity userid @<tenant.domain> -VoicemailEnabled $true

Remove User Number

In this example the user has the phone number and any policy assigned to them removed.

Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity userid @<tenant.domain> -PolicyName $null

Remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity userid @<tenant.domain>  -RemoveAll

There you have it.  A way to Quickly Provision a Phone in Teams Admin.

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I am an IT professional with over twenty years experience in the field. I have supported thousands of users over the years. The organizations I have worked for range in size from one person to hundreds of people. I have performed support from Help Desk, Network / Cloud Administration, Network Support, Application Support, Implementation and Security.

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