I can show you how to Export OneNote in one step. You have a file in OneNote but not every user you need to share with has OneNote. You may have created this file or it was shared with you by another user in. In the case of it being a file being shared with you You Need Read / Write Access to the OneNote File
I also show you how to do this in another article.
How To Export OneNote in One Step
If the file is shared with you go here. Open it in the online version of One Drive By clicking on the link in your email:
It will open:
If you created the file , you can skip the first step. Click the Dropdown on the top right called “Edit” and choose “Open in Desktop App. It will open in the desktop version of OneNote:
Click File on the top left and choose export:
In this example the I Export OneNote in One Step to the computer locally as a word document. Now you are able to send the document to anyone who doesn’t have OneDrive as an application. They might have it but barely use it or are more comfortable with other formats other than OneNote.
Either way, it is an easy way to Export to OneNote in One Step.
By using this method you will be able to easily export OneNote content into various formats you desire either with a OneNote document you created or a OneNote document that was shared with you.