Have you ever had an issue where Assigning Microsoft Licensing Gives Errors? Depending on how you license your users, it could be because you use a combination of Group licensing and manual licensing. If you use more than one third party to purchase licenses, I wouldn’t be surprised if you run into this.
I will give an example. This has happened in the past when trying to assign an Exchange Online Plan 2 license for a user. There is some inherited licensing that cause errors when trying to remove the Exchange Plan1 license and add the Exchange Online Plan 2 license.
The cause in this case was the Microsoft Teams Standard License inherited from the Group licensing in Azure. To be able to assign the new exchange license I had to do the following:
Steps To Successfully Assign License
- Remove the user from the Group Licensing Group in Azure AD
- Remove all licenses the user has in the admin portal (User Details)
- Re-add the above licenses except the Exchange Online Plan 1 license. You would add the Exchange Online Plan 2 license and Save Changes in the Admin Portal (User Details).
- Re-add the user to the Group License Group in Azure AD.
- Re-provision the users phone number.
This is a good process to follow regularly as it will come up from time to time. Don’t worry, repetition helps with learning so if you forget and run into this error a few time you will get the hint LOL.
Re-Add User Number When Assigning Microsoft Licensing Gives Errors
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity userid@<tenant.domain> -PhoneNumber '+1XXXXXXX' -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity userid@<tenant.domain> -PolicyName "<Policy your Telco gave you or one you set up>"
Set-CsOnlineVoiceMailUserSettings -Identity userid@<tenant.domain> -VoicemailEnabled $true
If you don’t check the teams phone number provisioning you may end up with a problem like this. Double check the MS Teams portal to ensure the phone number was added back. This is a bit of a pain, but it works.